Friday, September 23, 2016

Little Moves, Big Changes

In My Castle

I know I've said it before but I will say it again, sometimes the smallest projects make a huge difference. It can be as simple as adding a lamp or hanging a piece of art in a bathroom from my one and only Bermuda trip.

The other day a friend was supposed to drop by to catch up so I left my late afternoon and early evening open. She ended up canceling and I decided to tackle a project I have had the goods for for at least six months - relocating the TV/cable cords.

I took all my pictures off the chest under the TV and grabbed the long white coax cable and those awful but wonderful cable/nail hook things. You know them.

 I moved furniture, stood on step stools, crawled under my desk, cursed, hammered my thumb - but finally got it done. From this:

To this:

B came over and made the final disconnection and connection between the modem and the cable box. Yay! It's a crazy improvement.

As I cooked dinner, B started and completed another simple and small task that makes my condo feel more like a home.

Excellent right? (from Magnolia Market - "Fixer Upper"). And how awesome is B!

I may not have all my broken mugs to put on here - these are all special too. Tea anyone?

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Artistic Interpretation

Making A House A Home - Or Trying Anyway

Inspired by my darling friend Jennie and motivated by a planned visit from lovelies Jeff and Allen, I have finally started the stair wall adornment process.

I have been wanting for two years to hang family, friends pictures and art along the stairs to my second floor to make my place feel homey. I have been talking about it, buying frames, keeping pictures sitting on the floor in the upstairs hallway to step around for about as long.

These Facebook posts from Jennie got me moving:

Jennie and friends wrote on Facebook how this stair project really made her new house feel like a home. I want that feeling. I want friends and family to feel welcome and comfortable here. B feels pretty comfy here - and home is coming together more and more - if super slowly.

A few months ago, I brought out smaller pictures and created a homey space in the living room.
Family, friends, a view from a Delaware trip, a sleeping 7-year-old Kyle

Jess came over to help with the stairwell yesterday. She asked: So have you mapped it out? Are we measuring? Making a plan?

I laughed hysterically. I'm sure Jennie had a plan? I'm not that prepared despite all the time I have had to think about this project. It's my art so I'll wing it and the final result will represent me appropriately. Judge away!

Neither Jess nor I had a lot of time, and I realized I need more frames and enlargements and reprints of some photos. I also need to find the pictures of me at 2 - fat and bald - that my Grandma Ken Ken had printed for me many years ago. (This is where actual planning is good?)

Here is what Jess and I accomplished in an hour:

Yes, that's only seven pieces - I know!

I think it's a good start. Now let's see if I can finish this project this week. I don't want to have to step around those frames on the stairs for weeks. Art takes time - no? Ha ha.
Wish me luck. Send frames.