Friday, January 1, 2016

I'm Ready For You 2016

Getting It Done, Having Fun

2016 already feels like a better year, a new beginning. Looking and moving forward.

My Sunfish is going to get in the water - hopefully this week. I'm going to put it in, bang it up and learn to sail. Then I'll make her pretty.

There's a new plan for the kitchen - just slightly different but just enough to make a huge difference and to make it mine now, not ours.

Friends Brad and Mark are going to build it with me in the next two weeks when they are back in the area visiting.

This is going to happen.

We moved some things around today while all their kids were in my pool - and I used my miter saw - gingerly but I know what it feels like now. Not scared of it anymore.

Bought myself a new tool bag - feeling organized - and let's face it, like a bit of a bad ass for having so many tools I need it -- and they don't all fit!

I started today, the first day of 2016, by going to yoga  - a great way to start the day and the year. Debby talked about leaving everything from 2015 that was hurtful or unhappy behind. I believe I can do that now.

Last sunset of 2015

Rooting. Growing.

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