A new hair cut. A new color. Why not both?
It won't change your life, but it will definitely change the moment - and sometimes that's all you have control of. Ask any of my friends, they have all seen my cuts and colors - from University of Kentucky blue (GO CATS!) to purple to pink (breast cancer awareness fishing tournament) to the current pinkish/red.
Unhappy about the election? Can't change the outcome. All you can do now - happy or not about the result is to affect the policy changes by voicing your opinion AND by remembering we are all human beings living on this earth and we should be nice to each other regardless of race, creed, accent or hair color.
Can't get the credit cards down enough to refinance your home? Be patient and work hard for the future - and get a hair cut NOW.
Have to work on Thanksgiving? I don't this year, but some colleagues do and everyone at Publix does, and Oscar at Wake Up Marco, and my friend Dougie at Pelican Pier - and so do a lot of people in this country including those serving B, his parents and I at dinner at the Marriott this year (Thank you). Make the best of it and be nice to those who ARE working.
Don't get a long weekend like nearly everyone else you know? (I don't). Do it with a smile and wish everyone else you are working with a happy day!
Stuck in a relationship you want out of? (Not me I'm very very happy!)
Stuck in a house you can't finish? (That IS me, as you know).
Sick of Facebook and rising health care prices? Who isn't?
Missing family? Need a new car? Need a new job?
Best friends moving far far away? (Sniff Sniff)
OK, you can't change these things right this second. I can't change the things above that affect me right now.
But you can change your hair! I did!
This seems so simple and silly, I know. But I'm silly, for sure, and simple things can change my mood, my outlook in a minute - or 90 as it took for the new cut and and color.
I gave my friend and hairdresser Jess carte blanche after I said I was bored with it long and without any real style and was open to color - the pink was fading from the fishing tournament (that my team mate Barb put in a couple of days before the tourney in October).
Jess got a twinkle in her eye and I could almost see the light bulb above her head. She mixed the color and put it on without telling me her plan. She rinsed and washed, showed me a hint of reddish/pink and began to cut.
It turned out to be by far my favorite hair cut and color combo of my entire life. Well, possibly the Dorothy Hamill cut in the third grade is close - very close - to my favorite. But as an adult, THIS is it.
Thank you Jess!
It has breathed new life into a worn-down me.
Sending love and wishes of joy, peace and kindness into the universe.