Saturday, May 28, 2016

Funny Household Fixes

Seemingly Simple Things - Aren't!

Still laid up with asthma (crappy lungs) and bad gut bacteria (fun with SIBO*). I haven't gotten much accomplished and it seems daily there's always something new to accomplish. Isn't that homeowner life though?! haha

Trying to stay positive in my inability to run, do yoga, play hockey, work on sailboats, work in my career much, socialize or think (I'm a big grumpy grumbly mess when I'm not doubled over in pain or struggling to breath - I'm so much fun!) - I'm taking a look at some of the good things, funny things, lovely people in the past couple of weeks. 

Sweet texts from friends keeping in touch - you know who you are. Summer, Heather, Mom, Dad, Q, Kate, Erin, Jess (your children who hug me and giggle and make me smile), Courtney, Janelle, Jeri, Julie, Dougie, Vonda, Kaylee, Crispy, June, David, Stephen, Gina, Oscar, Julie - and so many more sweet friends and family. 

A care package!!! 
Janelle, you made my day, my week!
K's birthday - celebrated from afar and via Jess delivery. Miss her.

Dryer vent: WHY is THAT so difficult? There has to be a better way. Thanks Brendan - my hero seemingly always - who makes me laugh and laughs with me. 

I struggled and huffed and puffed. B squeezed behind the dryer and succeeded. 

This thing! 

Storm door: A few weeks ago, I returned from the ER with Erin - we had gone during a thunderstorm so I could get some breathing relief - to find the lovely storm door Elana, Brad (and the onlooking supportive Bothwells) and I had installed to be broken. It wouldn't close - the hinge was bent and warped. I ordered a new hinge, which sat in its box for a week - or two.

Ahem - who put that piece on wrong? Brad?!!!


All better. Good as new. Oh - it IS new!

      Other happies:                                                                                                                                                                      
Coffee mug prezzie :) 

Mimosa in the middle of the afternoon.

Julie, friends and a beach afternoon

Uncle Jimmy


Happy lovebird friends. Kate and Franco.

Works in progress - still:
Eventually this TV is going to be on this messy wall. The bracket is up finally! 

Still no file cabinet - ugh. Whatever - I'm on enough Prednisone going forward that eventually I will feel better and sh!t will get done.

*What is SIBO?

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