Friday, October 23, 2015

Love, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Joy

Right on My Doorstep

My doormat is usually turned around for visitors to read as they stand at the door. 
Yesterday, the groundskeepers turned it the other direction with the leaf blower, and this morning it was positioned for me to see. 

Love. Peace. Patience. Kindness. Joy.

I purchased it when we first moved in as a reminder to J and me to be this to each other and to remember that this condo was more than just a dwelling, more than a project, but our home. 

Today, it was a reminder to me that I should have been seeing and following this daily, that I have strayed from these words and actions - in my anger and my self reflection and selfishness. I go to yoga practice two to three times a week where these actions, these feelings make up the majority of what we try to bring into our bodies.

This morning, I realized I'm failing.

I'm going to keep the doormat turned toward me. I'll keep my hands up at yoga this morning to receive and I'll make these words my intention.

Yoga Today

Instructor Debby quoted that there are four kinds of people in the world: Happy, Unhappy, Virtuous and Wicked.

She encouraged us to be happy for those who are happy, to be compassionate toward those who are unhappy, delight in the virtuous and disregard the wicked - don't react, be unattached.

Debby said she chose this lesson for me today. She is a knowing soul.  I so appreciate it. It touched me and I thought first that it is so difficult to not react and second that perhaps I'm the wicked.
I hope not.

The end of our practice also touched me more than on other days. I'm paraphrasing:

May you always have good thoughts for yourself and others.
May you always say good things about yourself and others.
May you always take right action toward yourself and others.

I must take all this to heart, along with Love. Peace. Patience. Kindness. Joy.

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