Friday, October 2, 2015

Some Things Are Worth Fighting For

Getting Out of Bed: Some Healing the Heart Stuff

I lay in bed one morning struggling to get up - as I do most days lately - and trying my best to kick my butt out of bed, I rolled over and grabbed a reporter's notebook on the bedside table and wrote this command to myself. It took about four times reading it aloud before I kicked off the covers and got moving. It was a Saturday and I got myself to beach yoga and then home to put away boxes and meet some hockey mates for some sun and fun, food and beer.

It shouldn't have been such a struggle - I mean besides the boxes, what's not fun? It wouldn't have been a struggle a year ago.

I was always an ebullient, exuberant kind of person in the morning - excited for the day usually, happy to be alive and all that. And even on tired days, I was at least responsible and focused on work or going to yoga, running, walking the now exdog, getting K up for school. And even before the now exfamily, I was that dreaded "morning person."

Now as I question my very being and my place in the universe, I struggle to get up and get going. But when I do, I am fully in it - or I try hard to be. Some days it's faking it until I make it kind of stuff - smiling on the outside but gray on the inside. Living on this island helps - I want to be out on the water, on the beach, in the sun. Good friends help. Learning something new - connecting a refrigerator water line, putting in a faucet (blog to come!), discovering a little owl has moved in outside my living room window - these things help.

I hit snooze at least 12 times this morning.

Go Go
You'll feel better if you Go.


  1. It has been so rainy here that it is hard to get going too. But every day is new and I am glad you are part of it :D I love the owls :D
