Tuesday, November 3, 2015

One Love

Let's Get Together And Feel Alright

I woke up this morning singing Bob Marley's "One Love." 

No idea why - but I'm smiling because of it. I went to bed happy and light so maybe that prompted the wake-up music in my head. 


Yesterday was good, really good. 

Last night, I felt useful to others, or at least saw the potential for it. I met a group of 8th-grade girls who I think I can can be good for and they for me. 

On Halloween when dressed as Wonder Woman and working at the marina where I spend my weekends, I met Deborah, who pulled up on a boat and started taking pictures of me. As I helped pump gas for her, she asked me a little about myself and asked if I would attend a dinner with her "Wonder Girls" on Monday night in my costume. Deborah works at the local YMCA and helped spearhead the empowerment program for these 8th graders.

The girls were lovely and friendly, polite and hard working. They put the dinner together with a local chef, set up the tables and served everyone. They were delightful to talk to and I hope I get the opportunity to work with them and get to know them. Wonder Girls is designed to help  the girls through this tough age, helping them with friendships, homework, self esteem, along with helping them learn good eating and exercising habits.

Wonder Girls hard at work

Friend Jess and future Wonder Girl Delaney

I told Deborah on Saturday that I have been looking for a way to get involved in the community and I am passionate about helping young girls. It's not easy finding yourself. I'm still working on it. But I do know and have always believed - and been encouraged by my parents this way - I can do anything and there's no telling me I can't do something because I'm a girl. I won't have it. 

I often need to ask for help - there's nothing wrong with that - though sometimes it takes me a while because I'm kind of stubborn and I don't want to be a bother. My latest trials have taught me to ask more. Knowing that you can ask, knowing that you have friends and family are there for you, I believe is an important lesson and perhaps something I can help impart to these girls.

On the wall at Wonder Girls

Darling, don't forget to love yourself.

Wise words.  

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