Monday, November 2, 2015

Weeding Out the Dead Leaves to Make Room for New Growth

November Might Be The New Renewal Month

I was over at my parents' house last night watering the plants, getting mail and generally checking on things while they are away. |

As I pulled the dead leaves off the plants I'm trying to keep alive for Mom and Dad's return next month, I thought "I need to do this in my life more regularly."  I need to discard the dead leaves to make room for new growth - in my head and in my heart. 

"Take from the past only what you need," a
s my yoga instructors say. This is an encouragement when moving from Warrior 2 or Virabhadrasana II pose into reclined warrior. I should repeat this line and the movement over and over.

Reclined Warrior

Because of friends and family and some focus on me, I'm feeling stronger and more confident. Possibly strong enough to tackle this idea and mantra starting now - in November. November in previous places I lived was always a time for gray skies, cold rain, falling leaves and darkness. Here on my little island, palm trees are shedding leaves while flowers start to bloom after the hot summer, and the burrowing owls search for mates to start nesting.

Feels like perfect timing for renewal and not throwing away the past but keeping what I need from it and moving on from the things I don't.

The past is going to need some reflection.

I awoke on Nov. 1 - after a wild and fun Halloween - and felt the beginnings of a renewal, revival even, and determination. 
November is going to be busy - some reflection and grounding will be good.

The snow birds are arriving - quadrupling the population here. I have to be in Miami for 7 days to work in my company's officer there during the busiest time of the quarter. I am determined to get my kitchen finished this month - somehow, some way. I picked up the Sunfish today - I hope she doesn't need a lot of work to get her in the water but I'm going to need some work and some time to learn how to sail her.
In addition to all of this, I am going alcohol free for November - just taking a little break, though I am going to allow myself red wine on Thanksgiving. Living in mini Margaritaville here, it's easy to find yourself with a happy fruity drink in your hand often - with an island of vacationers and we locals just feeling happy and celebratory because of the ever-present sunshine and the beauty surrounding us. 

I will still see my friends and have fun and enjoy paradise, but I really want to focus I want to be useful to others.

My sister Summer, who is incredibly encouraging and thoughtful and writes the loveliest comments on my blog, is wise beyond her years. She wrote this to me recently:

Being useful to someone is a great goal. And super obtainable, I think! You are useful to Mom and Dad when you check on the house. You are useful to your friends when you say encouraging words. You can be useful to strangers by helping someone carry groceries, commenting on a pretty outfit, or even a smile. We all need kindness in this world and it doesn't have to be super big if you are not up for that at the moment. Just keep trying daily and look for those opened doors, and something you are being called to will make itself known. Love you and remember your thoughtfulness and kindness to me is always useful :D

I have the most amazing siblings - smart and thoughtful, sweet and kind.

Onward November! There's growing to be done.

Residents Beach

Boat Ride With My Parents

Weekend Job

Vacationing Friends - Some of the Best

Halloween Fun and A Bit of Empowerment Through Costume
Allen and El Jefe - xoxo

Yoga Morning

The Girls of Marco - So Blessed to Have Them

Sisters Heather, Summer, Kyle

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